Correcting Chism Geneology is ongoing because there is so much information still to look through out there. Having the time is key.
John Chisum Barren County Kentucky
All of the above Chisholms were likely kinsmen, descendants of James Chissum of Caroline, as was Richard Chism who died in Green CO., KY. in 1799. If not for an NPE, John Chism, Sr., b.1738, would also have been a blood cousin of PVT. James Chisham d.1778. John Chism b.1738 was the “James Chism” who came to Barren CO., KY., only his name wasn’t James and his wife’s name was Mary Gum, not Mary Howard. John Chism, Sr. doesn’t appear to have served in the Revolutionary War, but he does appear to have been a militia man in Virginia’s Colonial Militia’s during their incursions against the French and Indians.
Please see the post covering James Chism Revolutionary
Based on the errant information contained in the unvetted 1923 Mae Kerley Jenkins D.A.R. application and membership, when the Edmund Rogers Chapter of D.A.R. placed honorary Rev. War tombstones in the Old Mulkey Churchyard in 1932, among the tombstones placed was a tombstone for PVT. James Chism 2nd VA. Regt. This cemented the false PVT. James Chism ancestry claimed with wife Mary Howard. They were not the parents of the Chisms of Barren CO., KY. Mary Howard’s tombstone is identical to that of the one placed for PVT. James Chism, minus the military medalion and wording. Both of these tombstones, like many others in the Mulkey Churchyard are of the same vintage, placed during the restoration period of the Churchyard and Church. Your Nathan Breed(e) was a Rev. War soldier, father of three Breed sisters who married Chism brothers, and uncle of a fourth who married his sister, Priscilla (Breed) Howard’s daughter Priscilla. This was my Jacob Chism, brother of George, John Chism, Jr., James, William, Michael, Kessiah, and possibly an Elizabeth and Talver Chism. All were children of John Chism, Sr. and Mary Gum. This is where the “Gum” name comes from in the children of the aforementioned siblings, whereas the Howard surname is handed down in the family of Jacob Chism and wife Priscilla Howard. They had a daughter Sarah G. Chism, who’s middle name is believed to have been Gum.
Land Records
“Monroe County Ky Archives News…..News Tidbits August 4, 1932
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November 4, 2005, 7:24 am
Monroe Co. News August 4, 1932.
Glasgow DAR unveiled markers to honor old Mulkey Soldier – graves of James CHISM and Nathan BREED (Rev.soldiers), and Hannah BOONE, sister of Daniel BOONE. Done by the Edmund Rogers chapter of the DAR; Mrs. Charles F TERRY, Regent of Glasgow chapter in charge. Nathan BREED was once owner of BREED’s Hill or Bunker Hill whre the famous Rev battle was fought; he served in the west with John SEVIER. He and Breed lived near Old Mulkey. T K CHISM of T’ville is a great-grandson of both. James CHISM married a niece of Nathan Breed’s; and his three sons married daughters of N BREED. Makers will be erected later for Tolbert THOMAS, grandather of Rev. W E THOMAS and Thomas’s two wives, for Jesse HOWARD and wife Lucy MAYFIELD HOWARD, Elizabeth BREED THOMAS and William Howard THOMAS.”
I always had a problem with the family tradition of PVT. James Chism, as if it had been true my own Chism ancestor, Rev. Jacob Chism would have married his own aunt, she having been a daughter of Obediah Howard & Priscilla Breed. Many other quirks in this flawed ancestry, including there not being even one single primary record for PVT. James Chism every having been in Kentucky, or with the Mulkey church group in Union CO., SC. As it turns out there was good reason for the absence of records, he was the PVT. James Chism of Barren CO., KY. “who wasn’t.”
Tax Records
Only two heads of Chism families are found in the tax records of Nelson County, Virginia and Nelson County, Kentucky, John & Richard. Nelson County, Virginia became Nelson County, Kentucky when Kentucky became a state in 1792. In the following year (1793) Green CO., KY. was formed out of parts of Nelson & Lincoln CO.s., KY. One of the heads of these two Chism families was John Chishum, the other the Richard Chism. Richard Chism died in Green CO., KY. in 1799, his widow was Ann (Long) Chism, daughter of Blumfield/Blomfield/Bloomfield Long, Jr. of Spotsylvania CO., VA. Only two adult James Chisms are found in the early records of Green & Barren CO.s, KY., neither of whom were old enough to have fathered the earliest Chisms in Barren CO., KY. One of these two James Chisms was a son of John Chism, Sr., b.1738, and Mary Gum, b.1748. This James Chism was b.Aug 20, 1779, he married Phebe Breed in Barren CO., KY. on Jul 30, 1801, and died there in 1819. The other James Chism was a son of Richard Chism and Ann Long of Green CO., KY., husband of Barbary, father of Richard and John H. Chism.
Other records correcting what we know
Whereas no Kentucky records exist for the previously mentioned Pvt. James Chism, voluminous primary records exist for John Chism, Sr., not only in Barren CO., KY., but also it’s earlier parent counties, Green & Nelson CO., KY., and Nelson CO., VA. The parents of the Chism siblings initially found in Barren CO., KY. were John Chism, Sr. b.1738, and his wife, Mary Gum, b.1748. In all likelihood, it was they who in 1788 sold their land in Spotsylvania CO., VA., to Joseph Brock (Jr.), and with their children moved to what at that time was still known as Kentucky County, VA. John Chism (Sr.) was shown in 1791 Tithe/tax record of Nelson CO., VA. In 1792 he was shown owning 116 acres in the tax record of Nelson CO., KY. (Kentucky gained statehood from Virginia in 1792). In 1793 Green CO., KY. was formed from parts of Nelson & Lincoln CO.s, KY. From the year 1793 on, and until Barren CO., KY. was formed from parts of Green & Warren CO.s, KY. in 1799, John Chism (Sr.) was shown in various Green CO., KY. records. From the year 1799 until his departure from the area circa 1816, John Chism, Sr. was listed prominently in the records of Barren CO., KY. He owned land on both the E Fork of the Barren River and on Mill Creek as did his children, the proven Chism siblings of Barren CO., KY. He was a bondsman to the 1805 marriage of William Chism to Priscilla Breede, and deeded his properties in Barren CO., KY. to George and William Chism in 1816. He and his wife Mary Gum are both buried in the Chisholm Cemetery located a few miles north of Florence in Lauderdale CO., AL., said cemetery located at what had been the home of their son, John Chism/Chisholm, Jr., who married Esther Lynn in Green CO., KY. in 1798. John Chism, Jr. had been both deputy and sheriff of Green CO., KY., 1796-1800. After John Chism, Jr. left the office of sheriff in 1800, he joined his parents and siblings in Barren CO., KY., last shown in the tax records of Barren CO., KY. in 1802. He moved to removed to Tennessee thereafter, and in 1810 began to show up in the record of Madison CO., Mississippi Territory. John Chism/Chisholm, Jr. and his wife Esther Lynn, some of their children and relatives are also buried in the Chisholm Cemetery north of Florence in Lauderdale CO., AL. Among those buried in this small family, cemetery is two James Gum Chisholms, one the son of John Chisholm, Jr. and Esther Lynn, the other their grandson, son of John Walker Chisholm & Ann Marks.
The Stubblefield Non-Paternity Event (NPE) in this lineage appears to have originated with either the birth of John Chism, Sr. b.1738, or his father. No other Chisms outside Barren CO., KY., Chisms are known to have tested in the J-M172 haplogroup. Unless another proven descendant of James Chissum of Caroline tests J-M172, either his son or grandson were the timeline for the NPE. Simon Stubblefield was the immigrant of the Virginia line of Stubblefields. He was first shown in the records of York CO., VA. One of his sons, or grandsons were the origin of this Stubblefield NPE. Several of Simon Stubblefield’s grandsons were living in the same area of Spotsylvania/Orange/Culpeper CO.s., VA. where John Chism, Sr. b.1738 is believed to have been brought up. John Chisum and his wife Mary sold their land in Spotsylvania CO., VA. in 1788. John Chishum began showing up in the records of what was to become Barren CO., Kentucky in 1791. Richard Chism was already there, he and his wife Ann Long sold their Spotsylvania CO., VA. estate to Ann’s father in 1780, they patented land in what was later to become Green CO., KY. in 1781.
Again, I hope this aides your family genealogist in their research of correcting information.
Hello Mark, my name is Lisha Chism Barnes and my mother was Carolyn Ann Williams Chism who wrote a book called “Chism Trails.” I appreciate all the information you have provided and cleared up some stuff regarding James Chism. It is my understanding that James Chism was always the stopping point because no one could find him. So appreciate your info. Is your format also called “Chism Trails” or has someone else published something under this name other than my mother ?? There was a girl that my mother worked with my mother a bit that wanted to “finish” my mother’s book after her death; however, how do you “finish” someone else’s book? Just wanted to know if she was posting under the name of ‘Chism Trails’ also ??
Thank you for your query. Did not know anything about your Mom’s book. Our website is about our travels and our genealogy. The only posts come from us and our own research.
I appreciate your clarification about the Chism / Stubblefield connection. The Chism name came up on my father’s Stubblefield relatives. I did not have any Chism names in our genealogy and could not figure out the connection. Thanks again!
You are most welcome. My husband was passionate about family Genealogy. He has moved on to his heavenly home now but our daughter will soon be digging into his files to carry on. https://chismtrails.com/markchism/
Can you tell me if Chism was married or had a child with and indian lady named DUGA, she would have been born around 1799. It appears that she lived with a Chism family in Montgomery NC and had a child about 1828-1830, her name was Maranda/Miranda.
Hi Shannon, Unfortunately, I do not know as Mark is the one who research Genealogy. He passed in 2021.