Two James Chisms of VA Revolutionary War Bounty Records

Record of Land Warrant

The other PVT. James Chisam was also from Orange CO., KY., brother of fellow Rev. War soldier Sgt. George Chisham. All evidences point to these brothers having sold their bounty land in Kentucky and remaining in Virginia. Many years later both migrated to Scott CO., KY.
The below bounty land warrant and included information on same was that of PVT. James Chisam of Orange CO., KY., brother of fellow Rev. War soldier George Chisham. These two Chisham brothers both later migrated to Scott CO., KY.z

All of the above Chisholms were likely kinsmen, descendants of James Chissum of Caroline, as was Richard Chism who died in Green CO., KY. in 1799.
This hopefully closes a door on James Chism’s false appearance in Barren County, Kentucky. In a future post there will be current documentation for John Chisum of Virginia.
[…] Please see the post covering James Chism Revolutionary […]